Friday, July 16, 2021

Taping Inside Joints

 Taping Inside the Hull

Now that the hull has been turned over I have been filling and taping the interior surfaces of the plywood joints with two layers of fiberglass tape. It's not a fun job but a very important one. I'll be glad to get started on the interior carpentry.

Next steps:

Apply coats of epoxy to interior surfaces, prime interior surfaces, finish sanding, priming, and painting exterior topsides.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Turning the Hull

 Turning the Hull Over

Using a system of pulleys I rigged in the shed I was able to turn the hull over without help. It's nice to see the inside of the boat in the upright position.

Next Steps:

Tape and epoxy joints on the inside of the hull

Atypical's Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage. It's a great day. I launched Atypical at Sardis Lake. Not much wind, but I was elated that it floated and there were no l...