Saturday, March 27, 2021

Installing the bottom and bilge panels

Starting to Look Like a Blobster

I crawled beneath the boat, drilled holes, and wired the bottom panel and bilge panels to the bulkheads. Hard work for an old dude like me. I found muscles I had forgotten existed. The posts of all the builders on the Michalak Blobster Sailboat facebook site have been very helpful. I've borrowed ideas from all of them, but I am in awe of their skills. Jim Michalak's plans for the Blobster are really well done, and all the measurements are spot on.


Next Steps:

I will apply thickened epoxy to the joints on the bottom and bilge panels. That will prepare the joints to receive fiberglass tape. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Dry Fitting the Hull

 Putting It All Together

With the long awaited arrival of Spring and warmer weather, I have moved the build out of the shop and begun the assembly of the hull components. Today I just clamped some of the major parts together to make sure the fit is ok. Rain is predicted for tomorrow,  but soon I will begin gluing the assembly together. It's exciting to see it actually looking like a boat, and a Blobster at that. 

Next Steps:

Disassemble and begin gluing and screwing it back together beginning with attaching the side panels to bulkhead #9.

Atypical's Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage. It's a great day. I launched Atypical at Sardis Lake. Not much wind, but I was elated that it floated and there were no l...